Apple October 27 event wallpapers “hello again”

Apple October 27 event wallpapers “hello again”

Today, Apple announced the upcoming media event on October 27. With the announcement, in traditional fashion, comes a simple graphic representation of the event. As always, armchair pundits and tea leaf readers try to discern the hidden messages believed to be concealed in the graphic.
More productive folks get creative and make wallpapers from the inspired imagery. It is tradition for the Wallpapers of the Week section to feature these creations, leading up to the event. Step inside for fresh wallpapers, inspired by Apple�s �hello again� event!

Hello again wallpaper

I take submissions for the wallpaper sections from my Twitter account @jim_gresham. If you create or find any similar wallpapers, make sure to send them my way! I will keep this post updated with new walls and tweet out the updated links.
Download via @AR72014: �hello again;� just the logo
Download via @SebRaynal: iPhone
Keep checking back for more and don�t forget to send your versions to me in an uncompressed format. iPad versions are also very welcomed!
Top image via

visit link download

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